
Något som verkligen roar mig är att läsa olika threads under filmer på IMDB.COM. Folk är ju så otroligt roliga!

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This has probably been said before, but I hope they don't fck this up
  by FaceTheAbsurd   2 days ago (Mon Aug 8 2011 19:51:46)
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I just finished reading the first book in the trilogy a few days ago, and I have to say that it completely blew me away. I Really, it was nothing short of amazing. I'm not a big fan of fiction in general, so I'm giving it the highest comment I could possibly give when I say that I wasn't able to put it down even once after I opened it, and I finished it in a single night. No other fiction book has done that for me.

However, since this board is about the movie and not the book, I want to say I sincerely hope they don't fck up the movie. I really, really, really hope they don't try to appeal to the Twilight crowd and completely overdue the romance, in other words. I hope they try to keep the atmosphere of the book, meaning that I hope it's dark, violent, emotional, classy, etc., with the themes of political corruption, superficiality, and the callousness to extreme human suffering in the forefront. I hope they don't turn this into a cheesy little drama-romance thing between Katniss and Peeta. Unfortunately, they can't stay completely true to the book (at least not to the extent I would like) without giving it an R rating, which they obviously will never do.

Since I'm too lazy to do it myself, can someone here give me some information on how they're planning to do this (if there is any)? Seriously, I like the book so much, and I don't want the movie completely ruined. I want someone here to alleviate my worries. Thanks.

The more unintelligent a person is, the less mysterious existence seems to him.
Re: This has probably been said before, but I hope they don't fck this up
  by thiswillsuffice   2 days ago (Mon Aug 8 2011 19:53:27)
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I hereby alleviate your worries.
Re: This has probably been said before, but I hope they don't fck this up
  by FaceTheAbsurd   2 days ago (Mon Aug 8 2011 20:38:10)
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Er, no, I'm still worried. You fail.

But I still feel pretty special for apparently causing you to make your first post in over a month.

The more unintelligent a person is, the less mysterious existence seems to him.


Något jag särskilt tycker är roligt att läsa är allas "meningar", citat eller "budord" eller vad jag nu ska kalla dom. Det säger ganska mycket om en person. Jag menar: The more unintelligent a person is, the less mysterious existence seems to him. Wow. Vad djupt! helt otroligt insiktsfullt måste jag säga. 10 poäng till dig FaceTheAbsurd!


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